Add account

Good to know: You can add multiple accounts if you happen to have a partnership with several Octopia vendors

Authorize Access to your Octopia account

To enable the seamless integration of Octopia, it's crucial to grant authorization for to access your Octopia account. Follow these steps to authorize access:

  1. Access Seller Portal:

  2. Create an API Support Ticket:

    • Navigate to the support section within the seller portal.

    • Create a new support ticket with the subject "API."

  3. Authorization Statement:

    • In the body of the support ticket, include the following statement:

      I authorize to act on my seller account $Seller_ID.

      Replace $Seller_ID with your unique seller account ID.

  4. Submit the Ticket:

    • After composing the ticket, submit it through the seller portal.

  5. Confirmation:

    • Once the support ticket is submitted, you should receive a confirmation or acknowledgment from Octopia support.

By completing these steps, you've successfully authorized to access your Octopia account. This authorization is essential for to retrieve customer messages and order details, providing you with a unified platform for managing customer support.

Create a new Octopia account

To create a new Octopia account, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your account using your credentials.

  2. In the main menu, go to the "Channels" section.

3. Enter the desired information regarding, the name of the account, the Octopia Seller Id and the Sales Channel

4. Verify the connection and Save the information

Congratulations! Your account is now setup and will receive new tickets soon!

Good to know: New messages are pulled every 2 mins.

Last updated